As of December 1 2009... all new posts will be made at the following blog:

Thor's Thoughts - Earth Day

Yes, it's Thor's Day again... strength and protection against evil.

Yesterday was Earth Day. I used re-usable bags when I went to the health food store. I puttered in my backyard grocery garden. My Tween mowed the lawn with a human-powered push mower. We didn't cook, eating fresh produce that, unfortunately, I had to buy because our garden isn't producing yet.
Our strength, as humans, is our intellect. Yesterday, we did our best to do good for Mother Earth. We see by looking online and on the TV news that many other people did their best too.
Protect us against those who did not.

What Exactly is Kriya?

Kriya ("kree-yah") is a symbol in Karuna Reiki. What is Reiki? It's a healing modality that utilizes the universal energy or life force.

Reiki is often thought of as a very secret societal situation. No one must speak of it, and certainly not post the symbols for anyone to see. Unless, of course, they pay through the nose for the knowledge and instruction. Obviously, I don't agree.

Yes, I paid through the nose. I am a Master in Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, and Karuna Reiki. Kriya is simply the Usui symbol of Cho Ku Rei, doubled in the Karuna Reiki. Basically, it is used for physical manifestation and for healing the human race.

The symbol Kriya is often used for grounding. To do this, visualize each side of the symbol going down each leg. Place the upper part in your hips with the spirals in your feet. This will create a strong connection to the earth and bring your consciousness more fully into your body. This will also help guide your path through life in a very practical way.

Kriya is also used to manifest goals. Try this: write your goal on a piece of paper in the form of an affirmation. For example, if you would like to have a hairstyling business where you see 40 people a week, create an affirmation like: "I have 40 clients every week." Or be more specific like in my Manifest Monday posting. Then draw Kriya on the paper and hold it between your hands and visualize the symbol and the goal everyday. At the same time, you must be working to create your goal by creating a plan and acting on it. If your goal is for your highest good, you will find valuable "coincidences" occurring that help you manifest your goal. Kriya Reiki will reach out to all the people and resources needed to help you create your goal and make it a joy to manifest.

Kriya is helpful in creating priorities. Use it if you feel stuck with many thoughts and have difficulty focusing on what you need to do. It will help you sort out your priorities and focus on the things that are important to manifest in your life now. It also helps you focus your energy on them.

Kriya can also help heal the human race... all the people of Earth, helping them work together in harmony. That's why we named this blog "Kriya Create".
Using the Kriya symbol is more powerful if you've been "attuned" to Reiki, but believing in its use will work too. Let us know how it goes.

Definition and History of Reiki

Reiki ("RAY-kee"): This is a Japanese word that represents Universal Life Energy. It is based on the belief that when spiritual energy is channeled through a Reiki practitioner, the patient's spirit is healed, which in turn heals the physical body.

There are a lot of different version on how Reiki came to be. It was an oral story, told and retold through many years until someone finally wrote it down. Here's one version (found at - with some editing):

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The origins of Reiki go back some 2,500 years to the Tibetan monasteries where it was used as a system for spiritual enlightenment. We are told that there was a special room, which had highly polished brass from ceiling to floor. There was a stool or bench on which the student sat and behind him the teacher would draw in the air—so that they were reflected on the brass walls—what we have come to know as the Reiki Symbols. The student would then study and work with them for enlightenment.

A by-product of the symbols was their healing properties, which the monks were not overly concerned about using unless a student developed a pain or physical problem that kept attention from his spiritual work. Then the healing properties of the symbols were used. Since the monks did not travel out into the countryside doing healing, the symbols and their healing properties stayed in the monasteries and were almost forgotten.

Picture to the right of Mikao Usui.

Now we move into the late 1800’s to Kyoto, Japan, where Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator at a Christian school had just given a talk to a graduating class. After his discussion several of his students asked him if he believed, as he had said, that they all could go forth and heal as Jesus had done. Dr. Usui said he did. At that point, his students asked him to show them how. Dr. Usui could not show them, but he felt in his heart there must be a way.

Dr. Usui decided to come to America because it was a pre-dominate Christian country. He felt we would know how to do the healing of Jesus. We are told he came to the University of Chicago to study Theology. Every chance he got he went around to the different religions and asked them, “Do you know how to heal the body”? They all answered, “No, we heal the spirit.”

Finally, while studying some Sanskrit texts he found mention of Buddha who also had healed. That sent him back to Kyoto, which even today is a city of many monasteries and shrines. At each monastery, he asked, “Do you know how to heal the body”? The answer was always, “No”.

That is until, as the story goes, he came to the last monastery, which was a Zen Buddhist monastery. After he had asked his question, the reply was, “Well, we used to, but we don’t any more”. With that reply Dr. Usui asked if he could live in the monastery and study their texts. Permission was given and Dr. Usui studied the texts, many of which were written in Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, and Japanese.

In studying the texts, Dr. Usui found the symbols he was searching for, but there wasn’t any further information on them (to put it into day’s language, there wasn’t any user manual). Consulting the head monk, Dr. Usui asked his opinion and was told that when the Zen had a question they always meditated on it and prayed. So he did.

In his meditation, it came to Dr. Usui that he should go to Mt. Kurama-Yama, a holy mountain some 25 miles away, and do a 21-day fasting prayer and meditation to seek understanding about the symbols. He made arrangements that if he did not come back after 21 days, that someone should come and “collect his bones”. He said that because he felt he was either going to find the meaning of the symbols—his life’s quest—or perish and make his transition.

At the top of the mountain, there was a small cave that was used by the monks on their silent meditation retreats. Since he would be fasting and could loose track of the time, Dr. Usui made a pile of 21 stones. Each day, we are told, he would remove one stone from the pile when he awoke so he could track the days.

On the last day, as he was sitting on the mountain at dawn, a great light appeared in the sky. It got bigger and bigger and started coming right towards him. He was afraid, ran into the small cave, and remained there until suddenly it dawned on him that this is what he had been asking for. So he emerged out of the cave, faced the light, which came to him, and struck him in the forehead. He fell backwards and lost consciousness for awhile.

Some time later, he awoke and saw the sky filled with thousands and thousands of beautiful rainbow colored bubbles. And then he saw a golden bubble which got bigger and bigger until it stopped in front of him. Inside the bubble was one of the symbols he had discovered at the monastery and the meaning of that symbol was revealed to him. Then another golden bubble appeared with another symbol and so on until he had been told about all the symbols.

As he looked up into the sky he saw written in gold letters, “Remember this, Remember this, Remember this,” three times in all.

Sometime later, he decided to go back down the mountain. He was wearing open toe sandals and stubbed his toe. It started to bleed and he put his hand down on his toe. In a few minutes, the pain was gone and the bleeding had stopped. The First Miracle!

At the bottom of the mountain was an inn that had a red blanket on the bench outside. This meant that food was available for travelers. Dr. Usui was very hungry after his 21 day fast and he went inside and ordered hot tea and hot rice. The Innkeeper noticing his monk robes and gaunt appearance was afraid that after his fasting he would be sick if he ate too much hot food. But Dr. Usui insisted and the man went away to fix his food.

The Innkeeper had a daughter who appeared with a rag tied around her hear and a distended swollen jaw. Dr. Usui asked her what was wrong. She told him that she had a toothache, but could not leave the inn to travel the 25 miles into town to have it treated. At that point he asked her if he could gently put his hands on her cheeks. When he did, his hands got warm, the swelling went down and the pain went away. The Second Miracle! She ran to get her father who asked Dr. Usui, “You aren’t a regular monk are you? What is that you do? What do you call it?”

At that moment Dr. Usui gave this healing method the name of Reiki, pronounced (Ray-key). Rei being the Universal Life and Ki being the Energy. So Reiki means Universal Life Energy.

We are told that this is how the healing system that started out in Tibet received the Japanese name we know it by today.

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Most Reiki Practitioners and Masters carefully guard the secrets of Reiki. I don't believe that it should be kept a secret. I believe that while it MUST be used with reverence, Reiki energy should be readily available to anyone who has need of it.

Manifest Monday: Money

I've heard so many times that there's more than enough money in this world for everyone to have enough to meet their basic needs, and even more to make most people rich. That all they need to do is focus and state their intention.

This is the first Manifest Monday and because of the current state of the global economy, we chose MONEY as our topic.

Manifesting money involves earning and receiving money. But money is made out of the same thing as everything else: energy. And energy flows in and out of form, being everything that ever was, is or will be.

Do this for a moment: think of something in your life that's excellent. Beyond good. Pleasureable. Joyful. Beautiful. Graceful. Loving. Complete. ... ... a special spousal relationship ... ... great health ... ... a beautiful baby ... ... a decent job ... ... the perfect butt. There IS something.

Know this... ... Everything that you love about your life ... YOU brought to yourself. YOU attracted the energy to manifest it. So you can bring something good to your life, even if it's just the perfect butt, then you have already experimented and attracted energy to manifest something. And practice makes perfect.

How can you channel your manifesting energy into bringing you money? Think about it this way... is it the actual money that you want, or the things you can get with the money? Let's assume that's the reality. Well, chances are, it is. Now, let's NOT give the thought of attaining money power. Give power to where it needs to be: opening up the gates of creativity that will help you know how to obtain the "thing" or "things" that you really want.

Don't give it too much power. Don't obsess over what you should only be conscious or aware of. Have you heard that the simple thought of "wanting" something is just reaffirming to the universe that you don't have that something. Focusing on something you don't have will simply bring more wanting and not-having to your life.

Give the thing your attention, but don't focus all of your attention. Live life. Enjoy being you. Keep a picture of your "thing" in your head and give it several minutes of your attention and creativity daily.

What are you visualizing?
  • throwing up into the air a million one-dollar bills

NO! Wrong path. Try...

  • 5 acres of land with an beautiful rustic farmhouse
  • a brand-new hydrogen or electric or hybrid car
  • running a successful company
  • giving your mom the mortgage of the property - to burn because you paid it off
  • sending your child to the best college

When you decide what it is you want, be very clear as to your goals, vision, purpose, and be quite clear about this. You don't want to go through life without goals, so it's time to make a clear thought and clear path.

"The Secret" suggests people make a poster with lots of pictures and/or words of what you want out of life. Be specific. And reasonable. Make benchmarks (goal-checks). Now do this: use the below comment section to write what you want to manifest. Here's mine:

If I had a million dollars, I would buy 15 acres of land, build my dream home/garage/barn, a tree house for my kid, a 250 square foot greenhouse, plant orchards filled with fruit and nut trees, lots of berry brambles, 100 square feet of raised beds to grow our favorite fruits and veggies, 20+ chickens, 2 roosters, goats, cows, pigs, etc. We'd have 4 bathrooms, a music room, an exercise room, bookshelves in every room to hold our thousands of books, a sunroom large enough to grow citrus and banana trees indoors year round. We would have 2 or 3 other like-minded families living on our property, helping with the work, raising our children together, living in total bliss. I would get pregnant and give birth to very happy and healthy twin girls. I would be an entrepreneur, helping millions of people worldwide through my writing and blogs".

Now... after you write what YOU want, make decisions based on already being the person you envision. Prove it to yourself. Start saying "How I can"... achieve this goal, and that goal. You CAN do it!